

Do you currently receive your plans in digital format, either on CD or electronically from the internet?

Visual TakeOff+ was designed for you.  CAll us for an online demo!

Visual TakeOff+™ onscreen takeoff tool for use with our MIKE™, IKE™, and FES™ estimating systems.

It also works with GTCO Digitizers and Smart Menus! Giving you all the benefits and features of Visual TakeOff while measuring standard paper plans.


Features of Visual TakeOff+™
Auto Updating: Visual TakeOff+™ auto updates and posts data to our estimating software. Double click on a field or cell and Visual TakeOff+ will auto fill it with your measurement. No need to do a complicated Export and Import of data.
Multi-Monitor Capability: Use one, two, three or more monitors with this software. One monitor for a full plan view a 2nd for your estimating and a 3rd for a ZOOM window that allows you to look at your plans in greater detail without losing the overall view.
Drawing File Support: Visual TakeOff+™ can be used to do quantity take-off measurements from: Construction Industry CDs, Internet Electronic drawings, and CAD drawings from national and local electronic plan providers. Comput-Ability, Inc. is continually adding to the number of files types supported.
Measurements: Using your mouse and monitor, Visual TakeOff+™ does Lineal, Area, and Count Measurements in both Imperial and Metric Scales. It handles both point to point and tracing lineal modes. It auto fills your areas and has the ability to toggle on and off the viewing of Take-off descriptions.
Print/Plot: Visual TakeOff+™ can print or plot the drawings with or without your take-off measurements and descriptions.
Digitizer Support:Allows you to measure your plans using a digitizer for standard paper plans.
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